Wednesday, October 30, 2013

No longer a teen... Mission Birthday

Sister F decorated Sister Dannee's study desk
' Happy Happy Birthday Sweet Sister Clay
We miss you but are so proud of your service. I am also thankful for the sweet companion and the other set of sisters who share the apartment for the awesome birthday breakfast the made and the other birthday celebrations.

Below are all the photos from her birthday then the day her birthday package arrived from home:)

Here are her highlights from the week of
October 20-27

 SEGUNDA- bought rain boots, made bolinhos de chuva...kind of like scones with powedered sugar dusting
TERÇA-birthday de novo (again) my birthday package from mommy, also i held a chick
QUARTA-...bishop speaks english. how did i not know this??? (he lived in canada for a couple years as a kid), lesson with fernanda. she´s super awesome, the spirit was really strong
QUINTA-taught Lucia with irmã neide....irmã whipped out the commandments after we talked about how you have to keep the commandments post baptism
Our cute Sister Missionary. She is getting quite tan!
SEXTA-made my new planner:) TRANSFERCALLS. me and sister faldmo are getting stepmothers (aka new trainers) :( it´s sad but awesome. also wind and my skirts are NOT friends.
SÁBADO- rained kittens and puppies. a new investigator cried during the hymn we sang at the start of the lesson. ate pizza. went to atacadão (aka costco)
DOMINGO-Lucia, Mara, esposo (nunca listened/stayed for lessons) and Bianca (is 6 so doesn´t really count) came to church!!!!!
got 2 desserts - 1 at lunch and the other when we visited a member because sis T wanted a pic with her

French Toast for birthday breakfast

 A cupcake pillow case, nutella, birthday cake oreos,  her May conference Ensign, flashing birthday necklace, Peru t-shirt, pocket tissues and hot tamales (from mom and dad)note cards and Texas hot pad (from Schmutz family)

I think she likes her pillow case and nutella
The following are photos of their apartment

Sister Clay's bed is the one to the far right.

Sister Clay has the "white go-go rain boots" They are very helpful. She said they walk atleast 10 kil a day.

Me and this cool view by atacadão

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